Peter Eszenyi's profile



I’ve decided to share my random and eclectic collection of photogrammetry scans recorded over the past few years. Mostly unprocessed and unfinished, they are a byproduct of my work, but instead of letting them collect dust on the hard drives, maybe someone can find them useful. You can use the point cloud directly, or process it and create a mesh, feel free to explore the possibilities.
If you use them for something interesting, let me know and I will take a look. I will try to upload one per week. 

You are more than welcome to reuse and remix them under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license ( You need to give me credit and you can’t use them for commercial purposes under this license. But if you do have such a project in mind, get in touch and we’ll work something out.

Find all the downloads here:



An eclectic collection of pointclouds from the last couple of years
