Kim Ellis's profile

Task 1: Design Critique

Task 1: Design Critique 
1. How many typefaces were used? 
Two typefaces were used on the bottle, two are from the Sans-Serif family and the one is from the Serif family. 

2. How do the typefaces relate to each other? 
The typefaces relate to each other through the changes in both weight and scale, this can be particularly seen with the white type at the top part of the bottle and at the bottom. Both are different typefaces but with the weight being bolder and the scale being equal it creates cohesiveness. Another relation to the typefaces is the grouping of letters that contain importation information about the product in uppercase.

3. How did the designer use space and alignment to organise the text?
The designer applied central alignment to the product's name, this helps balance out the text as it appears to be the main title. While the shuffled left was applied to the rest of the text, making the text easy to read as left naturally complements the way we read English. Little to no-space has been applied between the letters, this organises the text as the designer can add the necessary information without overdoing it. 

4. What were the treatments used to differentiate text and organise information — size, scale, treatment (colour, effects)?
Black and white colour were applied to the text to help differentiate the information and organise it in a way that is easy to read. The treatment of the size was used to organise the text in a hierarchy, important information is larger while not-so-important is smaller. This can be seen with uppercase letters on the back of the label acting as sub-headings while the lower-case letters are the body paragraphs. Effects such as italics are used to help distinguish the texts from each other. 

5. What are the other elements on the label (logos, images, graphics, rules, background colours)
The other elements on the label included a logo with an image of the earth, background colours of light and dark orange and white, and graphics of Australia, a plant, and a bottle. 

6. What is your opinion about the quality of the label? Does it work? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Is it effective? Why do you think that is?
The quality of the label is done well as everything is kept to a minimum only highlighting keywords. Overall it is aesthetically appealing through the use of colour, text, and graphics. 

7. How does the use of type and its organisation on the label influence the aesthetic quality and efficiency of this label?
The type is organised in a way where only key information of the product is used, keeping the type to a minimum. This influences the quality and efficiency of the label as it is easy to read due to the different elements applied to the type like weight, scale, alignment, space, and colour. 
Task 1: Design Critique

Task 1: Design Critique
