Trent Thompson's profile

True Blood – Ambient and Email

True Blood is a hugely popular show. It’s been embraced by fans and critics alike. And the sixth season is starting up this summer on HBO. Rogers wants to do something a little different and a little special for the True Blood mid-season premiere.
This is an innovative and breakthrough show, so we want to do something that will be equally breakthrough; something that will stand out. We want to go out to where our customers aren’t expecting to hear from us. After all, things can get messy in this show and even when things seem clean, we want to remind people that things aren’t always as they appear
The heavy lifting will be done by the mirror cling. This is where we’ll have our branding, message and offer. We’ll prompt our customers to text in to get a promo code with which they take advantage of our HBO offer.
But the fun comes from the red LED faucet attachment. A simple and inexpensive device that, when activated, turns the water from the faucet red.
So when customers experience our communication, they’ll be enticed by the offer conveyed by the mirror cling, but the thrill will come when they simply wash their hands.
Vampires are awesome. Email isn't. But combine the two and email becomes a whole lot cooler. 
We're going to provide a time-sensitive offer that begins at sundown and expires at sunrise. Like the vampires in True Blood, this offer can't see the light of day.
To iillustrate the urgency of this offer, we're going to use Movable Ink (a 3rd-party tech supplier employed by Rogers. Depending on when our customers open the email, they'll see more blood. The longer they wait, the more blood they see. And if they open this after sunrise, well, they're smoked.
True Blood – Ambient and Email

True Blood – Ambient and Email

In-bathroom advertising.
