Athos: A Resemblance of Life
I believe that an idea can shape a human's life, mine started to change a decade ago. Athos is a story that I have been building over the last few years. It's a story of what I perceived life is and also the idea of making this film was the main reason I decided to come to the UK to study for a Master's Degree. Athos started as an idea more than a decade ago, evolved into a dream, and then a lifetime goal. 

Athos: A resemblance of life, is a journey about life and the dark places it takes us, shaping us and making us evolve.
Athos is a curious particle, made of whatever material is in the immediate surrounding and has the ability to absorb everything it touches. Exploring the world, it enters a Dark Forest, struggling to overcome adversity, ignites the fire within to break thru the dark leashes and fly away from its oblivion. It later finds a beautiful garden to settle in.
First Storyboard 2010
Final  Storyboard 2019
Athos evolved as a particle not only on the film but as a project. From the first sketches to the final animation this character has become my child. Having your idea finalized makes you realized how strong self-motivation and the desire to complete a big goal can make you strive.
For this project, I had the opportunity to work with an incredibly talented artist, Laura Blandon. I gave her some sketches and the intention behind every shot and she made outstanding work. Not only did she surpasses my expectations, but also, gave each piece her unique style. 
Regarding the significance of each background, these places translated the stages of life. 
Birth: the plain paradise 
Growing: finding your way
The struggle: situations that stuck you. Finding yourself.
The Sky: overcoming any difficulty.
The Garden: the place to settle.
Mix media:
This film combines 2D animation, a 3D shot to rotoscope in 2D and compositing in several layers with a 3D Camera.
Director and Animation: Andrés Suaza Q.
Backgrounds: Laura Blandón
3D Background and Animation: Josh Payne
Character Design: Andrés Suaza Q.
Sound Design: Mari Davies-Barrett
Music: Aldo Teomitzi

Special Thanks 
Jessica Ashman
Ian Willcock
Phil Valentin

To Luisa. Thank you for helping my dreams come true

