Luke Holdstock's profile

Music Composition for Games Showreel

Music Composition for Games Showreel
Player one has entered the game...
This is my official showreel demonstrating my music composition in some examples of game projects I have been fortunate enough to be apart of. 

Featured Projects
This was my first ever game project whilst studying a BA(Hons) in Game Development Audio at Falmouth University, Cornwall. Showcased at the 2016 Falmouth University Games Academy Conference, this project won a commemorative applause for its music alone. 

This project was my first experiment with dynamic audio techniques with the use of FMod and integrations within the Unity 5 game engine. The game was ambitious in scope and was the only university game project to be developed with online multiplayer capabilities. 

Gates of Amenti 
This project built upon the dynamic audio techniques learnt in SANGVORI and pushed them further, exploring how sound can be used in a game where life is the currency. This music on this project got a collective 'oooooh' from the audience when it was showcased at the 2018 Falmouth Games Academy Conference. 

Perhaps the most notable project I've worked on to date, this game was developed alongside the development of Gates of Amenti by another team who wanted music and audio consultation. This game won a Supermassive Games Award and was such a success, that it was brought forward to represent Falmouth University in the Trasfuzer 2018 Games Competition. It was an honour to share its success. 

Do you want to press A to continue?
To discuss working partnerships, feel free to send me an email at In the meantime, feel free to follow my antics through the following social media channels! 





Adobe Behance 


My Website 
Music Composition for Games Showreel

Music Composition for Games Showreel

This is my official showreel demonstrating my music composition in some examples of game projects I have been fortunate enough to be apart of.
