Aashika Soni's profile



This series is inspired from the little chapters I've had during my days of social distancing at home. 
In all these years of life  I've learnt that "Adapting", is probably one of the most special qualities we possess as humans. Facing the situations as they come, and changing ourselves accordingly.

The time we are going through is a  difficult one but staying at home is just as important. I hope during this tedious hour you listen to the best of music, Finish the book you always wanted to, Detoxify yourself and reminisce the good times with those pictures and souvenirs gathering dust inside your cupboard. 

Well, let's be honest, maybe not at this cost but this is the break we all wanted.

Baking, one thing that always reminds me of my mother. I have seen her experimenting day and night to get that perfect batter, trying out different recipes and teaching them to me with all her heart. Sometimes, it feels as if  it's her get away, it's something that not only adds excitement to her life but also takes her away from all the sorrows. 

Baking with mum, has been one of my favourite things to do this qurantine. And well, It feels good to be a part of her dreams, even if it's only for a  little time.

I strongly believe that the objects and things around us all have stories attached to them. You pick up something, and the history and the memories you have attached to it just come rushing back into your head. 

Today, I spent the whole morning sitting with my grandfather, going through his 'Khazana' and listening to him talk about it. His laugh and the expression on his face told me that these objects brought back a ton of memories of times long gone. For me, It was just a strange thought of how these lifeless objects could bring so much more to life. 


