Engjellushe Rapuca's profile

Logo created with Illustrator

Inspired from Fibonacci Sequence, also called "The secret code of nature". 
Fibonacci - an Italian mathematician from the late 11th century, brought his eponymous sequence, the combination of numbers that graduated from the sum of its previous two numbers (for example 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 etc).
Although the rationale of the phenomenon is rooted in mathematics,it seems to appear in many other spheres, such as the visual arts, architecture, design, philosophy, even science
It didn't take long for artists, especially those so learned in the multi-disciplinary approach that classical and Renaissance art heralded at the time, to notice that this principle, of as pleasing as it is in all other aspects of life, should as feature in their paintings too.
Here are some examples where is found Fibonacci Sequence.
Logo created with Illustrator

Logo created with Illustrator

Logo made for Interior Design Details. Inspired on Fibonacci sequence. Logo symbolizes the perfection of details design.
