Sadie Hunter's profile

Carbon Neutral Studio- Green Lens Studios

Carbon Neutral Studio

- Green Lens Studios

Green Lens is about connectivity:

Our mission is to connect creative practice with environmental sustainability. To us, photography is ethical, functional and beautiful; in 2009 we set about making that our everyday.

Green Lens is about sustainability:

We’re the UK’s first environmentally sustainable photography studio. Our earth-friendly operating principles and mindful manufacturing has earned us an Ecovate certification and a cheeky nomination for Eco Micro Business of the Year. We’re constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint; it’s this passion that takes us on rewilding, tree planting and sustainability projects across the UK, every year.

Environmental Policy:
We are a sustainable business and do seek to minimise our impact on the environment. e recycle as much as we can. We use a renewable energy plan, we promote eco-friendly methods of transport, including cycling to the locations and deliver equipment, we use organic or fair-trade products. To offset our carbon footprint we annually plant trees.
Their Clients:
Carbon Neutral Studio- Green Lens Studios

Carbon Neutral Studio- Green Lens Studios


Creative Fields