The Sintegra Troop
Fam, Hustle, & Growth​​​​​​​​​​​​

Good seeds + Arid land + Closed gates = 
State of the Art
Skilled African engineers can neither explore the possibilities and take up challenges in their countries (No democracy, poor economics, administrative burden...), nor can they leave the local toxicity to harvest experience in more fulfilling environments (They have no idea which companies match their profiles, which companies are employee-friendly, what are the procedures...).
Frustration overload for the ambitious ones ! 💀 Facing this dilemma, the skilled and motivated African engineers end up draining their energy and giving up on their ambitions. Unfortunately at the end, they are doomed to settle for meaningless jobs to cover basic life needs... 👎🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️
This demolishing cycle is a lose-lose situation. 💀 💀 💀 
It destroys whatever bright career these engineers deserve and it also deprives companies from skilled potential innovators.
Enter: Sintegra Consulting  
We are here for those ambitious and resilient young IT soldiers in Africa who are still FIGHTING their way out of the toxicity and who refuse to let go of the talent they worked hard to develop and the innovative ideas burning like flames in their hearts.
We fight by their side. 
We reinforce their troops.
Their battle is our battle ! 
Our African IT troops will conquer the world of tech 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻
No matter how many are the obstacles and how high are the barriers, we deploy African IT soldiers everywhere in France. We allow nothing to come in their way to success. ​​​​​​​
Our Thesis
We make it possible for talented and elite software engineers from Africa to finally pursue their dreams of launching a fulfilling career in France and get rid of a dream-killer environment in favor of a less toxic one.
We help them settle with their families safely and comfortably in France, and work with the employee-friendly French IT companies. We commit to persistently overcome any administrative and logistical barriers that they might encounter meanwhile, and we provide warranties on that.
We meticulously choose the most considerate tech companies in France that are looking forward to growing their IT staff, and we introduce them to our skilled africain warrior candidates.
Africa, a talent incubator?!
Africa, a future technological hub? the next Silicon Valley?!
An idea that shocks, but everything that shocks, impacts, attracts hatred, and ends up pleasing.
We will continue to fight and to work hard and relentlessly on our thesis .
​​​​​​​Our job
We hit the road to find and meet the best software engineers of Africa in their hometowns.
We take the applicants through a harsh selection process to sort out the ELITE.
We test them to check their levels of:
- Technical competency 
- Proficiency in French
- Skills, knowledge and intelligence (psycho technical test)
And we select the best accordingly. Only the fittest Survive.
More Selection. Warrior mode needs to be ON.
We have a one to one interview with each applicant. 
We need to be sure that they measure up to the required warrior mindset.
And we make sure our chosen ones settle in France ⤵
1 - 📜 Contract (CDI)
2 - 🏨 Administrative procedures (Visa)
3 - 🏡 Housing (transportation included)
4 - 🤝 Professional integration
And most importantly,
we have their back!
We stay by the side of the candidates throughout their five first years in France, ready at all times to step in (In case of administrative impediments, dismissal, housing...).
🥇We are experts
According to Gladwell's 10,000-Hour Rule, it's been a while since we have achieved mastery in IT recruitment 😁 We have been doing this for more than 10 years now! 💪
- We got to physically meet with more than 50.000 African IT engineers.
- We have interviewed more than 20.000 others over skype.
- We receive over 2000 CVs every week.
- Our online videos have reached millions in Africa.
​​​​​​​🔢 Let's talk numbers
Numbers do not lie. And some numbers have made us THE NUMBER ONE IT RECRUITER IN AFRICA ​​​​​​​
+2000 permanent contracts
+50 IT services companies as partners
 (IDF, North, South, Belgium)
+2000 new applications per week
+150 Skype appointments per week
+100 Recruitment campaigns per year
+ 8 countries in the game 
(Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Mauritius, Madagascar, ...)
👑Main Pillar of Sintegra
Saber MAHBOULI, the founder of Sintegra, is himself an engineer that has experienced, at first hand, the problems related to visa procedures, change of status, etc. ...
As a young graduate, he went through the administrative calamities in order to be able to work in France. He found no available documentation on this aspect for the African students.
So he created a forum to keep everyone informed of the new laws governing visa, residence permits and immigration, to answer questions and to share his knowledge with those who seek it. The forum grew exponentially in popularity since it responded to a real need.
At some point, as his experience in the matter and his network of contacts started to give him notoriety in the field. French IT services companies began to ask Saber to help their new recruits in their visa procedures and to give them advice on potential recruitment…
That was when Saber founded Sintegra, the consultancy firm in recruitment and support of African engineers.
​​​​​​​🧬Our ethos​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The African countries where we work are not known to be very democratic. The influential and rich decision makers in there do not like foreigners showing up in their cities i.e. They do not like us.
Our "haters" group is composed of ministers and influential businessmen. And they do not hesitate to harm us. We have learned, through the years, to juggle with random fiscal controls, personal attacks and defamatory statements. In addition, there is always a sense of danger in going to some africain countries due to recurring street conflicts and political instability. 
Adding to all this mess: "Too many to count" phone calls and emails, hundred of kilometres traveled and borders crossed... Despite all this hard work and sleepless nights, our troop is always ready and excited to serve on a 24/7 basis. You heard it first: We Are Battle Ready
📕It Is About The Thesis
Our KPIs are about following up on our thesis: to make it possible elite IT engineers from Africa to settle with their families safely and comfortably in France, and to work with the employee-friendly French IT companies.
We commit to persistently overcome any administrative and logistical barriers that our candidates might encounter. We choose only employee-friendly tech companies in France. ​​​​​​​We commit to treat our candidates and clients with respect and empathy regardless of how profitable they are.​​​​​​​
💀Adapt, Overcome, Survive
Every impediment we encounter is for us an opportunity to learn, test new strategies and keep the process going until we crack the solution.
🤗Coworkers & Best Friends
We might have lost boundaries between the personal and the professional: we are coworkers and best friends. The office is both our workplace and our playground. People from the outside usually find it weird, but that's just the way we roll.

🤳Our Growth team
Data driven, candidates-oriented, and creative.
Sintegra gives you wings!
We have always been working remotely with African freelancers, and we are always in touch with creative copywriters, illustrators, graphic designers, and video editors. (God Bless Trello, our savior 😆)
In order to efficiently communicate our thesis to the African IT engineers, we adopt their language. Our speech and our graphic content are inspired by their culture! A culture that is well represented among our African creative team.
​​​​​​​✍ Feel free to check some of Sintegra's copywriting in:
➡ ​​​​​​​The Facebook articles of Sintegra
​​​​​​​🎨 Despite the unforgivable lack of graphic elements in here (sarcasm 😂), we have build a rich graphic library with tons of illustrations, drawings and comics. Check them in: Sintegra Illustrated.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​✨ You can check some of our graphic works on our Behance profile.
💖What Matters Most
​​​​​​​Our candidates love us ❤
Overview of our candidates' reviews on facebook, see them all in this link
​​​​​​​Our clients love us ❤
💀 Mass Media
We don't deal with them, but they keep talking about us.
We never turned to mass media for our communication and marketing. We target specific IT profiles online (linkedin, facebook, google...) and in the field.
Nonetheless, the name of Sintegra was brougth up, mostly by haters, in some press articles (Le mondele figaro, maroc,...) and TV shows (France 24​​​​​​​France32M,...).
We interviewed journalists from France 3 when they came to interview us
🎉Meet the troop
Games at Sintegra
We've been there
Meilleur Dev de France
Les Open du Web
🏨The ecosystem
Sintegra labs offers free intensive trainings on the most advanced and requested trends in the world of Tech: AI, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, DevOps, cryptography...
Hence, not only do we attract elite software engineers with highly advanced workshops and severe selection process, but we also support them in order to level up their game and meet the expectations of the best tech companies. 
ADITEF Association provides advice for the skilled graduated Africans who desire to work in France, as well as guidance and assistance regarding administrative and professional procedures. 

We have supported hundreds of people. ADITEF services are exclusive of software engineers but extend to other talented profiles like doctors, dentists electronics and mechanical engineers…  
In IA², we are particularly invested in Artificial Intelligence (AI). We build projects, boost their growth, and foster their innovation. We make sure to put them on track with up to date and strategic technologies.
We are happy to work with our favorite three friends:
• Deep Learning,
• Machine Learning,
• and Natural Language Processing.
To be continued...
The troop

The troop


Creative Fields