One Day, Different Perspectives
During the Lebanese revolution, various points of view were exposed on a daily basis. Therefore, in this timeline, I decided to shed the light on the different reactions and actions that followed certain politician’s speech. After a speech was delivered, the audience reacted differently. For those with the revolution, they continued protesting on the streets all hours, night and day. Whereas for those against it, they fill the streets with chaos, tensions and sometimes violence. They try to open the roads that leads to clashes between them and the protestors. Moreover, some political parties sent their supporters to create chaos on the streets, but the protestors would have none of it and it died down quickly. In consequences, the army in its turn began to get more involved. Ether to defend and protect the protestors or in contrary to open the roads, abuse or even arrest people. It is interesting to see the evolution of the number of protesters which decreased when violence increased.
Violations and Threats against Protestors
Throughout this protest, many violation and threats where happening against 
the protestors. In this graph, the percentages of injured, dead and detained people 
over two and a half months are shown. Noting that there were 1548 injured, 8 dead, and 1164 Protester were hurt, injured and even killed during the revolution. Different methods were used against them. Protestors were detained all around Lebanon.The main regions are Tripoli, Mt. Lebanon, Beirut, Tyre.
Infographic Design


Infographic Design

Infographic Design - Timeline - Data Visualization


Creative Fields