Here is a linoleum print of my father, cast in dark blue ink to represent his favorite color and a title suited towards his arguably most notable physical feature, his mustache.
This particular linoleum cut is based on an abandoned camper located within the dense woodland area, of my family's property. To this day it still stands and is reaching just shy of 40 years of age. The decrepit and warped physical condition of the camper, paired with harsh, conflicting colors created an excellent print!
This was a quick and improvised poster created for the "Printworthy" Show/Sale at my university in the spring of 2015. Who is more "worthy" than knights of yore? At the end of the lance, I attached a roller and placed at the bottom a shield bearing the image of a Speedball-branded linoleum cutter.
Right before graduating from the university, I enrolled in a Printmaking Relief class to fulfill my degree's requirements. While I wasn't the most enthusiastic to apply for this class, I found it to be a pleasant and overall satisfying experience. My professor accommodated and enlightened me beyond measure despite my lack of skill in creating and making prints.

Printmaking Relief


Printmaking Relief
