Justine Ravina's profile

Grid For Everyday Life

Grid for everyday life

We had a group project to design a banner that would have been suspended outside our college and hung in our corridors.
It needed to communicate something regarding our practice.
My group and I decided to opt for a funny statement that will catch the audience's eye.
We came up with a play on words of the common phrase for when we ask someone if our jeans fits nicely. "Do you think my ass looks good/big in this?" becoming "Do you think my art looks good in this".

I immediately wanted to use different fabrics such as denim, silk, yarn etc. To make it easier for the viewer to understand but also because I wanted to sew or at least use some real materials instead of doing everything digitally.

The project didn't follow through so I only tried on InDesign to create a layout.

This is my personal artwork:
Grid For Everyday Life

Grid For Everyday Life
