Caroline Zelonka's profile

Clinical Healthcare

Siemens ads
A selection of print ads for the company's urinalysis and blood gas testing systems.
LifeScan ads and collateral
Ads, posters and a brochure. See descriptions above each for details.
An ad was aimed at hospital nurses treating patients with diabetes. It points out the risk of falsely elevated results related to a common blood glucose testing method, and the benefits to using the LifeScan system, which uses a safer method.
A poster aimed at caregivers in assisted living communities announcing a new Lifescan program.
A poster aimed at hospital employees explaining the benefits of Lifescan's TGC program.
Selected pages from a 19-page brochure about hospital-acquired infections and best practices for avoiding them in point-of-care blood glucose monitoring.
Provent website (
This site, which has both patient and clinical areas, promotes a therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Selected screen shots are shown below; visit URL for the full site.
Clarity Health website (
A web-based solution for referral management and insurance authorization. See URL to read more.
Clinical Healthcare

Clinical Healthcare

A selection of work for clinical audiences.
