Black Lives Matter Protest
Waltham, Massachusetts, June 2020

Corner of Main and Moody

Corner of Main and Moody

Corner of Main and Moody

Moody Street

Main Street

Pedestrian Island at Corner

The sound was deafening. A few of the signs being held aloft urged drivers to honk in support of the protest—and honk they did! Even tractor-trailer rigs driven by big, beefy white guys, blew their low-pitched air horns in support.

Many protesters were dressed in black to signal their support for intifa, a leftwing, anti-fascist, direct-action movement. The protest took place on Waltham Common, at the corner of Main and Moody Streets, the busiest intersection in town. It was a peaceful protest, apparently made up mostly of college students.

As to the photos, I would have liked to take a few up-close-and-personal, as I regularly do, but at my age, avoiding the virus had to be the first priority.


From The Boston Globe, June 23:

Governor Charlie Baker said Tuesday that 2.5 percent of people who took part in recent protests have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The state offered two days of pop-up testing last week after thousands of people around the state attended protests of police brutality and racial discrimination. A total of 17,617 people sought testing statewide, concerned that being around the large crowds may have infected them.

“We’re obviously pleased to see that the percentage of positive tests was quite low considering the frequency and size of those demonstrations,” Baker said. He said the percentage was “reasonably consistent with the statewide numbers we see in our daily testing.”



Black Lives Matter Protest, Waltham, Massachusetts, June 2020
