Annemarie Fortune's profile

black lives matter protest. june 5 2020 richmond

Black Lives Matter Protest.
Richmond, Virginia.
June 5th, 2020.
Monroe Park to Richmond City Jail.

I had the opportunity to be at the head of the protest and was the only female photographer documenting the entirety of it.

It was led by a huge gathering of bikers to protect us and go ahead to block roads off.

I stayed in between the protesters and the bikers, but sometimes would go ahead of everyone just to see the full picture.

We walked and had speakers give talks once arrived at the jail.

I stayed for 7 hours.

Enjoy this segment of history I participated in.

One of the most thrilling and exciting experiences I have ever lived through.

black lives matter protest. june 5 2020 richmond

black lives matter protest. june 5 2020 richmond

Black lives matter protest Richmond Virginia June 5, 2020
