Super Metroid could quite possibly be my favorite game of all time and for me to honor it's legacy, I figured to go all out with the fanart. Work with complicated lighting and background. However I got hit with a ransomeware and I lost the original file. I will go back to it one of these days.
I was bored one day and asked for suggestions on my instagram on what should I draw, people gave me a bunch of characters and the ones that interested me are below. First was to draw something related to the MCU but I didn't wanna just draw Iron Man or Captain America in a dynamic pose and call it a day.

I took inspiration from my favorite manga series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and drew out a sketch of Tony Stark and his Armor with the idea of displaying his whole character arc throughout the movies.
Another suggestion I got was to draw Xavier Renegade Angel and I just couldn't resist the mythical being.
Unfinished Art

Unfinished Art
