Pratishma Bansal's profile

Times of Quarantine

2020 has been quite a year. As the pandemic caused by the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) gained momentum, everyone had to quarantine themselves in an attempt to slow down its spread. To assist this nationwide lockdowns were ordered. This brought about an emotional and mental rollercoaster ride for everyone.

While we were trying to maintain physical distance, me and my friends stayed in touch online. I was fascinated by the way everyone was dealing with the lockdown. Based on our conversations, I drew some caricatures inspired by "Baymax" from Disney's "Big Hero 6". These sarcastic illustrations are the manifestation of the same. I also tried to reinforce the idea that humans are more alike than they think by expressing their moods and emotions while they're stuck at home.
I've shared my design process below, I hope you like it.
Quick Thought: Gender bias and racial differences have always been the foundation of discrimination. As lame as it may sound, but this virus thinks otherwise. It has helped us realize that we all are humans by not discriminating and infecting everyone equally. This pandemic has given us ample amount of time to introspect and reflect on our thoughts and actions.
You can find the original illustrations posted here- Purple Procrastinator, Cyan Cuddler, Indie Influencer, Lime Lover, Mandarin MasturbaterHennessy Hustler.
QUARANTINE is a Hindi poem written and narrated by Saurabh Bharwal.
The idea of the poem came from the prolonged sense of captivity caused by the pandemic. The idea that no wall is strong enough to cage a person's thoughts. This poem hopes to bring in a ray of positivity.
"Yeh Khayal hain Ziddi bade, kisi Deewar ko yeh Mante nahi."
The above stanza translates to "my ideas are stubborn and can't bound within the walls of my space."
It is the central idea of the poem.
After reading the beautiful poem written by Saurabh, I started sketching my ideas. Taking inspiration from the Disney Pixar movie "Inside Out", I had the idea to represent the individual's mind/hope with an Orb of light. I broke the poem down to roughly 14 scenes, which are as follows.
The scene opens with the individual starting at their phone's screen. Then the building unfolds and, the Orb travels into a city skyline. As the Orb is wandering in the empty street, it enters a house, where everyone is busy with their phones, not talking to each other even though they're in the same room. Then the Orb travels into the kitchen, where the scene transitions parallel to the poem. The flatbread turns into a carrom coin. The carrom board open up into a window with a beautiful landscape. The Orb then travels back to the city and into the building where its journey started.
I opted for a monochrome blue look to represent the monotony and variance within the same hue of life. I gave the Orb a yellow color, which is complementary to blue. It would symbolize it to be in visual and symbolic contrast with the monotony and sadness of life. Lastly, I chose Bebas Neue for the font of the verses for its eye-catching and bold appearance.
After 25 hours of meticulous keyframing,
I'm proud to present the final project.
Appreciate it if you like my idea and, feel free to comment and share it with your fellow beings.
Times of Quarantine


Times of Quarantine

This sarcastic visual express the moods and emotions of humans while they’re stuck at home because of the nationwide lockdown implemented as a me Read More
