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Anti - Racism, a series of Social Media Posts

Anti - Racism 
Social Media Posts

A reaction towards to recent BLM movement happenings and how we can apply it locally towards our own challenges we face in Singapore. 
While everybody is screaming, nobody is truly listening. Take a step back and listen. 

* Please understand that I will never be able to speak out on the "me" in this because I myself am not a minority and will not explicitly understand what they go through. But I think the message I would like to encourage is for us to listen to the voices of the minorities! *

Black lives matter is a worthy cause to fight for and i think its great to see many Chinese Singaporeans sharing and supporting the cause. But i think we should also practise the same anti-racism energy towards our minorities in Singapore. Supporting BLM and saying that "racism is not as bad here in locally as compared to USA or other countries" is simply ignorant.

Racism is racism point blank.
Our multiracialism is not perfect and i think we face bigger and harder problems over here. Our racism is deeply rooted in our culture and is displayed through the form of micro aggressions and casual racism. Many of us grow up hearing things like "if you misbehave, i ask the Indian man to catch you " or "you are very smart for a Malay" in the form of casual comments made by the people around us. I don't believe the intention was to be racist or to hurt our fellow Singaporeans but the fact that we say those things without thought or care and thinking that it is okay, is a problem. Intentions does not change the fact that the statement made was racist. Backhanded compliments and using a race to scare children is not the way we should be behaving.

We need to check our privilege and use it to help our minorities. If racism makes you uncomfortable then this post talks to you. Start hard conversations and educate yourself and others around you.
Anti - Racism, a series of Social Media Posts

Anti - Racism, a series of Social Media Posts
