Karolina Nathusius's profile

Zombie Town Audio Narrative

Zombie Town is a location based zombie-survival game played mainly with audio narratives and a vibrating bracelet indicating distances to other players. 
(Check out the whole project here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/92026633/Zombie-Town )

Narrative In-Game Audio Files 
Enjoy listening!​​​​​​​
1. INTRO is the first piece of story we as the player hear when starting the game. It introduces us to the post-apocalyptic world of Zombie Town.

2. DON't LOSE HOPE is the second piece of story we as the player hear in the game. It introduces us to Peter Coleman, our ally and watchful protective eye above our head. 

3. HEY SURVIVOR is the first time Peter addresses us directly. This is how we learn that Peter can see us from above and will provide is with useful insights of the situation invisible situation around us.

4. MORE OF THEM is Peters way of telling us that the current campaign's SURVIVOR-ZOMBIE ratio has changed in favour of the Zombies meaning more than half of the players are zombies now.

5. I DON'T WANT TO WORRY YOU play as an update when another SURVIVOR player has been zombified. 

6. DON'T GIVE UP acts as an update that not all survivors have been zombified yet and encourages the player to keep going.
7. ZOMBIFICATION plays in the event of us being zombified. When a ZOMBIE player get's close enough to a SURVIVOR player to trigger his bracelet, zombification sets in and the player switches sides. ​​​​​​​

8. SURVIVORS WIN is the final piece of story for one of the four possible outcomes of a campaign. 


9. ZOMBIES WIN is the final piece of story for another of the four possible outcomes of a campaign, zombies taking over. 

10.FIFTY FIFTY plays when the campaign runs out of time and the SURVIVOR-ZOMBIE ratio lies around 50/50.

11. LAST MAN STANDING is a rare audio file played only to those players who manage to be the last SURVIVOR players still standing when a campaign's time runs out. 

Written and directed by
Karolina Nathusius

Audio editing
Karolina Nathusius

Voice acting
Hart Crompton as Peter Coleman (and zombies)

Check out the whole project here:

Zombie Town Audio Narrative

Zombie Town Audio Narrative
