A Good Year
The Allergy's Guide to Survive

When I was six years old, sitting on bed with neighbour's cat without touching him, my eyes bulged like a goldfish. This is the first time met with allergy. What followed is the discovery of more and more allergies. Because of my constitution, I always keep a watchful eye on allergy in daily life.

Allergy become a disease with modern society. But the fact is that people pay far less attention to it. Especially in China, some of allergy suffers even have no concept of what is allergy, how serious allergy could affect our body and health. As a senior allergy patient with my years of experience, I create this series stories. By visualizing the allergen and exaggerating the allergic reaction, I try to discuss the friction between allergen and human. I create 12 comic works according to the month. Every story comes from real life. Allergic people can use it for fun and reminder.

Allergen Characters / Acrylic / Paper clay
Jan. Pollen  /  Shortness of Breath

Feb. Peanuts  /  Laryngeal Edema

Mar. Dust Mites  /  Sneezing

Apr. Catkin  /  Shortness of Breath

May. Cucumber  /  Facial Edema

Jun. Tips  /  Summer is coming.Be careful of the allergies caused by ultraviolet rays and mosquito bites!

Jul. Peach  /  Rashes

Aug. Seawater  /  Rashes

Seb. Cat  /  Eye Edema

Oct. Seafood  /  Edema

Nov. Cold Air  /  Rashes

Year-End Summary

Chinese version

English version

Allergen Brooches / Derivatives

Stickers / Derivatives

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A Good Year

A Good Year

12 Stories About Allergy in A Year
