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Old Cairo Welcomes You | 2015

Old Cairo Welcomes you !
St. George Church is one of the components of the famous Religions congregation in Misr al-Kadima, which has a famous station on the first subway line called "Mar Harges".
St. George’s Church is considered to be one of the oldest round churches in Egypt. It was built in the fourth century AH, tenth century AD, on the top of the Roman Tower in the Babylon Fortress, in the area of ​​the interfaith congregation in ancient Egypt.
And the church is located to the left of the interior to the Coptic Museum, and to the left of the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas, and before it, the famous Abu Sarga Church, followed by the hanging church.
The church is linked to the Monastery of St. George, which is the seat of the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria for the Greek Orthodox Church.
The Hanging Church is also referred to as the Suspended Church or Al-Moallaqa. It is called the Hanging Church because it was built on the southern gate of the Roman Fortress. Logs of palm trees and layers of stones were constructed above the ruins of the Roman fortress to be used as a fundament. The Hanging Church is a unique church and has a wooden roof in the shape of Noah’s ark. From the 7th century to the 13th century, the Hanging Church served as the residence of the Coptic Patriarch. Al-Moallaqa has witnessed important elections and religious ceremonies.
The Hanging Church Entrance in 2015
El-Moez street is an outstanding street that was known in Islamic cairo as Al Moez Ldin Allah Al Fatimi Street. The street is named after the fourth Caliph of the Fatimid Dynasty and the 14th Ismaili imam who reigned from 953 to 975, Al Moez Ldin Allah Al Fatimi. The national government held some renovations in the structure of the street and to the buildings inside it making the street look like an open museum for tourists.
Thanks a lot
Old Cairo Welcomes You | 2015


Old Cairo Welcomes You | 2015

A tour in old Cairo by a mobile camera lens.
