画面中一道道隔在电影与戏曲人物之间的帷幕,拉开了电影等新文化的序幕也拉下了传统戏曲的序幕。也似乎在年轻人与传统文化之间拉开了一条很深很深的鸿沟... ...
The great Chinese opera has declined slowly in the fast-paced era, and its audiences are mostly concentrated in some groups of middle-aged and old people. Nowadays, young people have more cultural entertainment and have less patience to savor the beauty of traditional opera. The popularity and exciting stimulation of TV movies can attract young people.
The screen is separated by the curtain between the movie and the opera characters, opening the curtain of new culture such as film and the curtain of traditional opera. It seems that there is a deep gap between young people and traditional culture
Chinese opera

Chinese opera

The great Chinese opera has declined slowly in the fast-paced era, and its audiences are mostly concentrated in some groups of middle-aged and ol Read More


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