"Embrace" is the result of a semester long study of branding. The assignment was to come up with an original idea for a company, develop the company concept and then brand it. This included a logo design, stationary set design, and 3 accompanying applications.

Embrace's company concept: 

"Embrace is an eco-friendly fragrance founded on a set of values that are reflected in the creation of our products. We believe in the importance of education and evolution of ideas, as well as embracing a life of authenticity and creativity. We hope to remind our users to consider the abundant amount of natural resources all around us, before jumping to the use of man-made, artificial products, which will only further pollute the earth. The daily use of our fragrance is meant to promote awareness of our responsibility to take care of and utilize these natural resources, as well as encourage one to embrace the natural beauty that surrounds us. If we can learn to live harmoniously with nature, we can ensure a prosperous future for humanity."

My process for this project started with a reflection on what was important to me. At the time, I had recently become very interested in living an environmentally friendly lifestyle, so I began to do a lot of research on how design thinking can help decrease the amount of waste we produce. The name of my company, "Embrace" came to me immediately and it paired really well with other concepts I was thinking about, which developed into a slogan, which ultimately summarized my company's call to action: "Educate, Evolve, Embrace." I produced the logo very quickly. It is meant to be very engaging and "light" in feeling, and also emulate a sort of texture. With more time and resources I would have more fully developed my logo mark by finding new ways to apply it. Monoprint it, emboss it, etc. I see the concept of this project as the foundation of something that I will continue to refine. I would love to eventually see this product come to life. 

The eco-friendly facets of Embrace:
- Minimal use of material in packaging
- Reusable bottles
- Bottles are corked, so application of fragrance is by dabbing it onto your skin instead of spraying it into the air
- Fragrance is cultivated from organic plants

3 Applications: 

1. Vanilla & Anise
2. Rosemary & Mint
3. Sweet Pea 

Each package contains plantable seed paper, which I letterpressed non-toxic ink to read "Plant the Seed." The seeds in each package are the same seeds from the plant of that particular package's scent. Each package is educational providing a information on the history & origin, etymology, medicinal uses, and method of cultivation. So the goal is for the customer to plant the seed paper, feel more connected to the product, and have a light carbon footprint. "Educate, Evolve, Embrace."


"Embrace" is the result of a semester long study of branding. The assignment was to come up with an original idea for a company, develop the comp Read More
