Do you ever find yourself constantly navigating though pages just to find the right content you want to see? This question is one that I ask myself, along with others in regards to their use of music applications. One, indeed can find hidden features of a music app, but also become frustrated if the content is not direct. This mobile application idea, Fuse, has been in the back of my head ever since Pandora and Spotify came into our social lives.

The premise of this application is to help users see the content they want to see, such as recently played playlists, songs and options to go to these pages within the initial screen. Unlike Spotify, Fuse is minimal and direct, but also presents shortcut options to navigate through desirable content faster. Additional contrast implies the use of color as a primary navigational system that Spotify and Pandora do not currently have.
Fuse Music


Fuse Music

Fuse Music, is a call to action to renew and update music based apps. Its a call for artists to not only fully promote their work but for new art Read More
