黃 亞庭's profile


夏末萱言為六十石山的品牌設計,六十石山位於花東縱谷東側海拔約800公尺 的海岸山脈上,由於水質清淨日照均勻,是著名的稻米與茶葉產地,每年八、 九月為金針花季,山上有十座造型各異的涼亭,遼闊的縱谷風情與滿山遍野的 金針花海是當地最富盛名的景點之一,有「台灣小瑞士」之美譽。

夏末萱言 為六十石山的農產品牌,設計宗旨是將包裝與美景結合:打開包裝時呈現滿 滿金針花的「金針花茶禮盒」、利用紙雕特色表現一層層山巒堆疊景色的「金針果醬禮盒」、可組合成一幅六十石山美景的「茶葉包裝」,希望消費者在品 味六十石山產品風味之餘,也一覽當地美麗風情。

Located in the east rift valley in Taiwan, Sixty-Stone Mountain is famous for its spectacular landscapes and clear streams. Taiwanese nicknamed it “little Switzerland”. Standing on the hill of Sixty-Stone Mountains in the late summer or early autumn, it is mountain hikers’ privilege to enjoy clean and crisp wind flowing by the waves of daylilies and reaching their face. This triggers us to create a new brand to promote daylily, an agricultural brand named “In the late summer".
“In the late summer” contains a gift set of daylily tea bags, daylily jams, and daylily tea leaves. The key feature of visual and package design is to represent the spectacular landscapes in the Sixty-Stone Mountains. The package structure of tea bags represents floral sea of daylilies. The gift set of daylily jams utilized paper carving techniques to show layers of hills. For the packages of tea leaves, each illustrates one beautiful corner around the Sixty-Stone Mountain area. They can be further combined to unfold a complete pretty landscape.


