Pitcher Plants, Sarracenia
are found around the US.  I find these insect devouring plants very interesting and of amusing quality. The plants are found mostly in bog areas and develop in two separate parts.  The Flower and the Sustaining, Trumpet part.  Most people take the Trumpet part of the plant for the flower.  This is usually the most colorful part of the plant too. The trumpet is where the insects collect down the long thin funnel, with liquid in the bottom section.  The flower part of the plant is where the seed develop.  The floral petals usually only last a few days and then  an interesting 'flower-like' single stemmed seedpod remains for the rest of the season.  To me, these flowers look like they are talking to each other at all times, and there is not a sound to be heard amongst them.  They have lured and swallowed all the buzzing and flying insects. 

The Flower with petals in early spring.

Trumpets in different colors.

Thank you for stopping by and spending time with me, my thoughts and what I found interesting.
Pitcher Plants

Pitcher Plants


Creative Fields