Le-Ann Wright's profile

FMP Subculture Comic Con - Poster series

For my final major project I created a series of posters to promote a made up event of a comic convention taking place in Liverpool. The event is called Subculture comic con. 

For the first poster I started by creating two images using Copic markers on paper. I then scanned these in and cleaned them up digitally before finally piecing them together adding a black background and the details of the even to create the final poster. 
The next poster was created as a result of a watercolour experiment. The second posted I created by drawing a doodle wallpaper using skeleton icons of pop culture characters to create a pattern effect which I could then apply the text to.
The third poster was influenced by the pop art style of Andy Warhol. I reproduced this digitally in Photoshop using images of items associated with comic cons then recreating the multicoloured print.
This is the final poster in the series.  Due to subcultures alternative nature I decided to use the iconic symbol of skulls and create characters using this.
FMP Subculture Comic Con - Poster series

FMP Subculture Comic Con - Poster series
