Sarina Villareal Ehrgott's profileKerry Shaw's profile

Identifying Microaggressions

It's hard to talk about it:

We know we need to change as a society, but sometimes we don't know what to do or how to identify within ourselves what is actually an unconscious bias. This campaign brings it right to the front. 

With no apologies. 
We need to know this. Really know this.

The simplicity and hard to misinterpret red cross-out lines tells us exactly where some people's minds go when we talk with strangers of color. What's not right, and how to shift perspectives.

The Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs (part of the Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement) sees the harmful biases that are happening in our own backyard and brings the microagressions to light in order to educate the public about how harmful some words can be – especially the words we don't realize systemically cause harm.
Campaign Materials Include:
• Social Media Graphics
• Assessable/Sharable Tool Kit 
• Digital PSAs

Identifying Microaggressions

Project Made For

Identifying Microaggressions

We know we need to change as a society, but sometimes we don't know what to do or how to identify within ourselves what is actually an unconsciou Read More
