Martina Marzullo's profile

Quick illustrations for novels

From "Madame Bovary"
From "Madame Bovary"
From "Madame Bovary"
From "Crime and Punishment"
From "Crime and Punishment"
From "Crime and Punishment"
From "Dangerous Liaisons"
From "Dangerous Liaisons"
From "Dangerous Liaisons"
From "Rebecca"
From "Rebecca"
From "Rebecca"
From "Rebecca"
From "The Tartar Steppe"
From "Doctor Zhivago"
From "Doctor Zhivago"
From "The Stars Look down"
From "The Great Gatsby"
From "THe Great Gatsby"
From "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis" 
From "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis" 
From "War and Peace"
From "War and peace"
From "War and Peace"
From "War and Peace"
From "Les Miserables"
From "Les Miserables"
From "The Count of Monte Cristo"
From "The Count of Monte Cristo"
From "Zeno's Conscience"
From "Zeno's Conscience"
From "Zeno's Conscience"
From "Zeno's Conscience"
From "Moll Flanders"
From "The Leopard"
Quick illustrations for novels


Quick illustrations for novels

Some quick and VERY quick illustrations I've done for the shortened version of some popular novels published on the Italian magazines "Confession Read More
