About the project

Escapism” is one of the reasons current players flock to Candy Crush Saga and is also what I find valuable in this type of game. My targeted group of people (age 18-35) are often stressed and finding things to do subconsciously to escape from the reality. For example: Reading manga, playing video games, watching movies... These things that we do provide us with an experience of escapism exactly like playing Candy Crush Saga. Therefore, I drew a short manga called "escapism" that depict the experience of escapism through Candy Crush saga to advertise the game.


The main character Kenta is a high school student that has the ability to see through others' mind with words on their head. Kenta finds that people's thoughts are just stress in life, but he also sometimes sees weird characters instead of words on others' head.

The story mainly depicts Kenta discovering Candy Crush Saga and eventually experience escapism through it. 

1. Using the manga cover as a poster in the MRT station to attract people, and provides a qr-code to the manga.
2. Directly showcase the manga using the ads on Instagram.
Escapism Part 1


Escapism Part 1
